Vikas Puthran
Chief of Resource Mobilisation & Communications
Vikas started off his career as an IT professional in India. Through his company he has been at the forefront of developing innovative technologies at that time like core banking solutions and interactive voice response systems. He has traveled to Europe and the Middle East setting up innovative technologies for the financial services industry.
Moved to the USA and worked there as a consultant in the oil & gas industry, financial services and travel industry covering information technology, marketing and business intelligence. He worked in the USA for 9 years before deciding to move to India to be part of a vibrant new economy. He set up entrepreneurial businesses in the area of marketing and business intelligence with international partners before joining GiveIndia. At GiveIndia he headed Corporate Alliances and Operations.
He then moved on to global non-profit United Way India heading resource mobilization and then with CHILDLINE India Foundation one of the largest PAN India NGO to head Resource Mobilization and Communications. He is an expert speaker on “cause marketing”, “brand management” and Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR). He is Bachelor of Engineering (Computers) from PICT, Pune.