means to survive and thrive
The impact you enabled

Number of
Active CCIs

Number of
Children supported

Number of Children
in Tution Classes

Number of children
received computer

Number of Tuition
Teachers appointed

Number of Computer
Teachers appointed

Number of CCIs
with functional Computer lab

Number of CCIs
with functional Libraries

Number of
Active CCIs

academic support teachers appointed across 111 CCIs

Young Adults received training on Job Readiness

Young Adults placed jobs with salary range of 10,000 to 25,000

Partnership offers 350+ courses, 28 sectors

Children have been impacted by the CCI program since 2002

Assessing 6-12-year-olds to gauge learning and development potential.

Young adults enrolled in 22-23 Aftercare.

Young Adults received training on Conversation Skills

Number of CCIs
with functional Computer lab

Number of CCIs
with functional Libraries

Placement agency partners with an average placement rate of 70%

Young Adults are now part of the CSA Aftercare Alumni

Young Adults have been enrolled into the Aftercare program since 2017
Annual Reports & Aftercare