
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

One of our objectives at CSA is to build capacity of stakeholders at various levels to enhance awareness around the best child care practices and advocate to promote adoption in the country.

Some of our objectives are to:

Enhance quality of care provided to children in child care institutions
Ensure Care Leavers have access to support from the Government
Ensure children restored from CCIs are monitored and supported
Promote and spread awareness on legal adoption and foster care
Ensure all children facing risk are brought under the purview of state child protection mechanisms.

To ensure successful implementation, let’s take you through our process to help you partner or work with us and help us aid children in need

face 1
face 2

Children in need of care and protection are defined as:

Homeless children
Victims of child labour
Child residing with an abusive or exploitative person
Child residing with someone who is unfit or incapable of taking care of the child
Child who either does not have parents or the parents have surrendered the child
Child who is a victim of an armed conflict or natural calamity
Child who is a victim or is in the imminent danger of child marriage
jund change
The Issue

Vulnerable children account for 170 million or 40 percent of India’s child population. They experience difficult circumstances characterized by their specific social, economic, and geo-political situations, and need special attention.

The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (JJ Act) is the law that ensures children in need of care and protection are provided with necessary support, services and facilities so that they can grow up in a safe environment and become contributing members of the society.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the Constitution of India provides rights which all children enjoy. This can be the beginning of the section on rights of children.
Rights of children under UNCRC can be broadly classified into the following:

Right to Survival

to life, health, nutrition, name, nationality.

Right to Development

to education, care, leisure, recreation, cultural activities.

Right to Protection

from exploitation, abuse, neglect.

Right to Participation

to expression, information, thought, religion.
Rights of children under the Constitution of India include:

Right to equality

Article 14

Right to freedom

Article 19

Right to life

and personal liberty - Article 21

Right to education

Article 21A

Right against exploitation

Article 23

Right against child labour

Article 24