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Together We Learn Csa

Together We Learn

This is what we aspire to do at Catalysts for Social Action (CSA) and strive for at our annual training. We lived up to our theme, Together We Learn, by spending 10 days revising and learning new practices, laws, and about our programmes at Yuva Center in Kharghar, Raigad. Nearly 90 of us from all five locations—Maharashtra, Odisha, Goa, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh—came together to engage in interactive activities, games, and team-building exercises.

Finding Families for Children Csa720x405

Finding Families for Children: The Journey of Adoption Beyond Age Preferences

For most children who are orphaned, abandoned, or surrendered, finding an adoptive family provides the sense of belonging everyone yearns for in life. However, this is not easily achieved for all and remains a distant dream for many.

CSA’s Project to Strengthen Foster Care in Maharashtra

CSA’s Project to Strengthen Foster Care in Maharashtra

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child gives all children the right to a family. For children who are orphaned, abandoned or surrendered (OAS), adoption provides a lasting family, offering them stability and a sense of belonging. As per the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA), the nodal body regulating adoption in India, there are more than 30,000 prospective parents who are waiting to adopt a child.


Training on Effective case file management – for Rehabilitation and Restoration of Children in CCIs

Around 170 million children, that is 40% children in India are ‘vulnerable or experiencing difficult circumstances characterised by their specific social, economic and geopolitical situations, and that all these children need special attention’” states the Ministry of Women and Child Development’s annual report published in 2015-2016.

Research Study Csa 2024

Concept and Components of Family Strengthening and Family-Based Alternative Care

“A family is a circle of strength, with love for its core.” This quote by actor George Carlin beautifully captures the importance of family in our lives.

Family Strengthening and Family-Based Alternative Care (FBAC) are distinct yet interconnected solutions with a shared objective: ensuring children thrive in a safe and nurturing environment of a family. Family Strengthening focuses on empowering families in overcoming difficulties, providing counselling, financial aid, and parenting skills training to raise their children effectively. In contrast, FBAC steps in when separation is necessary, offering safe havens to children through foster care, kinship placements, with an emphasis on potential reunification with biological parents whenever feasible. Both approaches are crucial components of a child protection system, working collaboratively to uphold a child’s right to a loving family, be it biological or chosen.

Taking care of children during Covid-19 outbreak

Research Study on Deinstitutionalisation

Catalysts for Social Action is celebrating National Adoption Month. Santosh and Shobha Sahu have been happily married for 12 years and Dhimahi came into their lives when she was 20 months old.


“Every child deserves a loving home, and every family is made richer through adoption.”

Catalysts for Social Action is celebrating National Adoption Month. Santosh and Shobha Sahu have been happily married for 12 years and Dhimahi came into their lives when she was 20 months old.


“There is no difference between adopting a baby and conceiving one. The baby is yours.”

Mukta Dhond, 46, lives in Mumbai and says she couldn’t drive because her car used to be her home. She used to sleep in the car. She is a passionate media professional, who is a creative producer of television shows on general entertainment channels. Mukta is also a trustee at Bal Asha Trust, an adoption agency. She found Agastya there.

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“He loves to make sushi but eats only dal-rice”

Mangesh, 22, is a chef at an upmarket restaurant in Juhu. 
This Children’s Day let us celebrate the child in Mangesh, who did not give up
or go astray, but stayed focussed to make something of his life.


Here’s an update on how we are coping with COVID-19 | Child Care Homes

Hello everyone my name is Shivani, I am from Mumbai. I am hoping you are not moving out of your house because there is a monster named Corona outside making people ill & taking their lives! Are you bored of sitting at home and doing nothing? Also are you thinking we are bored, and are you worried about us?

Let me tell you that we are doing a whole lot of things!
We are having a lot of fun during this lockdown and learning a lot of new activities and making the most of our time.
Here, have a look at what me and my friends at different CCIs are upto…